Option 1
Call our office at 317-874-1254. Please specify your preferred location: DCL North Meridian or DCL Greenwood.

Option 2
Fax paperwork to 317-805-2349, and we will contact your patient within 24 hours to schedule the appointment. Please specify your preferred location: DCL North Meridian or DCL Greenwood. Once scheduled, we will fax you the appointment confirmation.
Please fax the following information to 317-805-2349:
- Physician order for Fine Needle Biopsy
- Patient demographics
- Copy of patient’s insurance card . Previous imaging reports
- H&P notes, if available
Please contact our office at 317-874-1254 with any questions.
Thank you for your continued referrals.

Contact us today to get more information!
DCL Pathology
10291 N. Meridian Street
Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46290
Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46290